GeoShield Quality Assurance Programs

Dedicated to Reducing the Impact of Human Error During Construction

GeoShield Global

Human errors in application can often prove devastating to the integrity of a structure. Hence, independent verification of the installation of waterproofing membranes and lining systems on site is critical to achieving the performance required and in avoiding failure.

Installation of Voltite Waterproofing Solution systems are supported by GeoShield Quality Assurance Programs provided by GeoShield Ltd. ISO EN 9001– and ISO EN 14001-accredited, GeoShield offers comprehensive waterproofing and lining inspection programs that cover all aspects of design, application, training, monitoring, recording and reporting that will unquestionably reduce the element of human error.

With over 3 decades of experience globally, GeoShield offers a unique approach to protecting structures against the ingress of damaging ground water and the perils of leaking roof decks. This bespoke system of quality assurance includes:

  • Design & validation
  • Bespoke method statements
  • Training of management and application teams
  • On-site verification
  • Cloud-based verification
  • Every square meter verified

GeoShield operates globally and its Quality Assurance Programs have been used in projects across Europe, The Middle East, Singapore and the Philippines.

Global Head Office
Icon Business Park
4100 Park Approach
Leeds, LS15 8GB
Phone #: +44 (0) 113 3208639
Email: QAP@geoshieldglobal.com
Website: https://www.geoshieldglobal.com/

Sample CAD Drawings

Voltite Waterproofing Solutions, with the support of the GeoShield Quality Assurance Program design team, is able to provide (*) comprehensive bespoke project specific application details in 2D CAD (flat drawings of product) and 2.5D CAD (prismatic models) in DWG, PDF, PNG, and JPG formats.